A Systems Approach to Community Engagement | Origin: LC102
What are some ways your current CTE advisory committees could be enhanced to better serve your school programs?
We definitely haven't employed a yearly calendar in our planning & will start doing so immediately.
Continue to add more members, which will in turn translate into more student opportunities. Bring pictures of past events and results to the meetings so industry partners can see what is going on. Maybe even have a quarterly newsletter where updates are sent out.
We need to establish a better planned calendar with meeting dates. We started allowing for more flexibility of times/locations, but getting consistency for Date would help. Also, many of our Advisories could use some new faces.
Expand the number of teachers involved in the committee and have greater representation across all CTE content areas.
Advisory commitees can support current course offereings with employment advice and skills needed for employment.
Developing a public calendar, inviting new faces to the advisory board meetings, increased involvement of students.
Our current TAC boards meet 2 times a year. We have 1 TAC for all of our areas because we don't have enough people per area to warrant a TAC for each. We try and get them involved in helping us stay up-to-date on equipment and material to teach.
The agenda could be sent out in advance... the meetings for the entire year could be posted on a public calendar... students could be involved and write thank you notes to business partners.