Margaret Coate

Margaret Coate

About me

I am Maggie Coate, a middle-aged, career and technical educator and mother of two. 


Important sources of aggragate data are as follows:

Types of CTE Program Aggregate Data Analysis
Key Data Categories Available in SRCDS CTE Programs:
• Enrollment Data

Total student participation numbers
Demographics (gender, ethnicity, special populations)
Program-specific enrollment trends
Year-over-year comparison statistics

• Academic Performance Metrics

Course completion rates
Grade point averages
Technical skill attainment
Industry certification pass rates

• Program Completion Data

Graduation rates
Program retention statistics
Time to completion metrics
Certificate/degree completion rates

• Career Readiness Indicators

Work-based learning participation
Industry credential attainment
Dual credit completion
Career technical student organization participation

• Post-Program Outcomes

Employment rates
Post-secondary enrollment
Industry… >>>

To keep Career and Technical Education (CTE) data secure and private, you should: follow established data privacy regulations, use strong passwords and encryption, limit data collection to what's necessary, educate students and staff on data privacy practices, regularly review and update security protocols, and only share data with authorized individuals with a legitimate need to access it; ensuring that all sensitive student information, like grades, attendance, and personal details, are protected from unauthorized access. 

Key practices to implement:

Compliance with regulations:
Understand and comply with relevant data privacy laws like FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) in the US,… >>>

To inform a CTE program of study, common sources of labor market data include: state workforce agencies, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) ONET database, state department of education data, local employer surveys, industry publications, and regional economic development organizations*; all providing information on current and projected job openings, skills required for specific occupations, salary ranges, and emerging trends within the local labor market. 

Key details about these sources:

State Workforce Agencies:
These agencies typically provide detailed labor market information at the state and regional level, including data on job openings, unemployment rates, and occupational projections. 

ONET Database (BLS):*
This… >>>

Qualitative data that could be collected on a CTE program includes student and employer interviews, focus group discussions, observations of classroom interactions, student reflections, and feedback on work-based learning experiences, which can be used to understand student perceptions, identify areas of improvement in curriculum, teaching methods, and program alignment with industry needs, ultimately leading to better student outcomes and program adjustments based on real-time feedback.  
Specific examples of qualitative data to collect: Student perspectives:  

  • Perceptions of the program's relevance to their career goals  
  • Satisfaction with the quality of instruction and learning materials  
  • Challenges faced during
  • >>>

Yes, it is crucial for educators to understand management standards of Perkins funds, as these standards directly influence classroom practices and ensure a safe, productive learning environment for all students; following federal requirements can impact everything from classroom structure and discipline strategies to the way teachers assess student progress, ultimately aiming to provide equitable education for all in a timely manner. (Perkins V) span secondary and postsecondary education and strive to reflect state, regional, and local labor markets. CTE programs help to underpin America’s workforce and seek to
engage young people and adult learners at an economy of scale needed… >>>

It is important to keep in mind that all things Perkins are CTE, but not all things utilized within CTE may be funded with Perkins funding. Please know that Perkins funding is not designed to be the full support of the local CTE program(s), simply a compliment to local resources. It is critical to understand that Perkins budget requests must fit within what Perkins allows, yet because the funds are federal dollars, there are additional regulations that apply to all federal funds, which we also much comply with. Providing high-quality CTE to students requires a strong commitment of significant resources including funding an… >>>

Spending rules under the Perkins Act can sometimes hinder the goal of fully developing academic and technical skills in CTE students, as certain restrictions can limit flexibility in how funds are used, potentially preventing schools from addressing specific needs and tailoring programs to local industry demands; however, when designed effectively, spending rules can support this goal by ensuring funds are directed towards high-quality CTE programs and initiatives that prioritize both academic and technical skills development. If rules too tightly define how funds must be spent, it can prevent schools from utilizing resources in the most effective way to address unique… >>>

I was not surprised. The Perkins program, which funds career and technical education initiatives, is subject to a complex web of rules stemming from federal legislation, state regulations, and individual school district policies, meaning there can be multiple layers of guidelines to follow depending on the specific context, potentially leading to challenges in program implementation due to the need to navigate and comply with various sets of rules across different levels.

Santa Rosa County utilizes the Xello platform for students to complete career exploration type activities and can record their certifications and create e-portfolios to submit to potential employers. Our school conducts exit interviews with a career specialist to help them with interview skills and resume writing.  We utilize FOCUS software to track all of the data components to submit to the state for reporting purposes. We stick to a survey reporting calendar to make sure that all data is reported to the state in a timely and accurate fashion. 

In the context of high-quality Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs of study, data collection is invaluable as it provides essential insights into program effectiveness, allowing educators to identify areas for improvement, make informed decisions, demonstrate impact to stakeholders, and ultimately ensure students are receiving the best possible career preparation through tailored adjustments to curriculum and instruction based on real-time data analysis. 

Examples of data that can be collected in a CTE program:
Student demographics: Age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status  

Academic performance: Grades in CTE courses, core academic subjects  

Career pathway selection: Industry focus, career goals  

Work-based learning… >>>

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