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I think that social media is a great way to advertise because so many people are on these sites but the big problem with is is that former students who were not happy with the outcome of thier schooling for whatever reason go on to the facebook page and complain about the school. Which in turn, prospective students are going to see these negative posts and it may influence thier decision even though they do not know the real reason for this persons complaint and thier unhappiness with the school could be due to so many factors.

Twitter, Instagram and facebook are great tools to reach the High School students about upcoming visits to their schools and creating energy.

I believe that social media is very important to a schools success, as it has become such an important component in our every day lives.

Facebook has improved our communication with our students. Many of our students turn to Facebook to get information. It is a great way to reach a lot of people at once.

Yes, our school has a marketing plan that includes social networking sites. The popularity of networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., has impacted our enrollment greatly. Roughly a quarter of our students come to us because they seen it on social media. Another biggie for us in internet radio such as Pandora and iheart.

We do in fact use social networking sites to communicate with our students. There have been times where we can only reach students through these sites. For instance, if they have been missing class, we will try to call them and too why or if they need anything. If there is no response we may use a social netowking site to speak to the student and it has had tremendous success in the past.

It has dramatically affected communications with prospective students. Our school does have a marketing plan that includes the use of social media. Most schools have to have use this in the marketing plan because social media plays a large role in today society.

Yes ! You can access a links from FB that will take intrested individuals stait to our website.Prospective students will be able to share links with their online Friends and create advertising and choose a location.

Social Media is wher most people get information. I think that its very effective because you can reach a large amount of people in a short period of time.

Negative imaging of the organization is brought to the attention of the director. The offending party is brought for discussion by someone in the organization, the reaction of your organization should be aimed at removing the comment posted and attemptimg to address their concern. I do not agree that this should be a normal occurance to see student concerns via social media; The organization should have some other procedure for student to voice their discontent.

The last institution I worked with had specific agents that worked the social networking sites and responded to students questions and concerns. I haven't been at my current institution long enough to know what policies they have here.

I think it's a great way to market to students. Things like having a Facebook page for the institution or specific location allows students to keep up to date with activites at a glance! It's just another great way to promote. Being a young 20 something myself I know that I'd be more likely to respond to an email or social networking contact that answer my phone in the middle of the day so it's just another great way to get the institution's name out there.

The University I worked at also used Facebook for upcoming events, highlighting certain students, faculty, etc. It is a great tool and it is important for schools to remember to stay up on new trends of social media to relate to their target crowd.

We have recently expanded our Facebook site.It is definitely a place students go to get information.

We have a designated marketing person who handles all our social media but it is nice when they take input from admissions

My school makes use of Facebook sporadically. We do not as yet have a large following, but I hope that will change in the future. LinkedIn groups are also important to us as we inform group members about upcoming programs.

Social media is a way of free advertising. Social media allows current and prospective students to speak out about their experience with their school. Students tweet or share their status about their current experience with their school. This is free marketing in itself well as long as the status is positive one the school could benefit.

Our school posts to Facebook on a regular basis. We have found it to be a helpful method of getting information to the students. We sometimes post pictures of our students participating in events. This is a great tool to promote referrals. A current student sees themselves in the Facebook post and then shares that with their friends. The friends (prospective students) now have seen a bit about the programs and have the needed info to contact the school.

Yes, our school has a marketing plan that includes social marketing, which is critical tool now a days to reach out and let people know who we are and what we offer

No we do not currently have one, but I think it could be a good thing.

Social networking sites have helped tremendously with communications all around the world. These sites have allowed for representatives to contact prospective or current students to provide them with information or assist them if they have issues or concerns. I personally have not used social networking sites to communicate with students, but it has been proven successful with other individuals.

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