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Up-to-Date Information

There are many statutes and rules that provide guidelines about running a school that is in compliance. What is your plan for gathering the information and keeping it up to date?

I just printed out the 2012 Florida Statutes chap 1005 and the 6E CIE Rules. Even though there are a lot of pages, I find it convienant to pull out my 3 ring binder from time to time to assure myself or show someone else employed at the school of a regulation or rule. I know I have the most recent information because there are dates on the printouts. I can't believe a whole year has gone by since I printed it last time.

I plan on maintaining a binder of relevant information from this course as well as materials distributed to admissions agents at my institution. I will update this binder on a monthly basis to stay up to date and compliant.


You are building a reference tool that will pay it forward for you. Having every resource current is critical to its success.

Patty Aronoff

Time does fly by! Dates on all documents is an excellent reminder of the time that has passed. Great suggestion!

Patty Aronoff

I also plan on keeping a binder. I took this compliance course last year and learned so much!!! I created a binder as I went through the compliance training and it certainly did pay off! I included all information from this course, state rules and statutes, information from our catalog and contracts, as well as all relevant admissions documents. such a great reference tool, and keeping it current is key!

This link on the FDOE website has the information for the Florida Statutes and CIE rules. Every time I complete a training course for FAPSC online, I visit the sites to check for updates and continue adding information to the resource binder. We also go over any changes in Admissions meetings to ensure the team is not only aware but implementing these changes. Once you have been in admissions for a few years, it can be easy to get complacent. I find these training seminars a great way to refresh what we already know and stay current. Saavy prospects often notice the FAPSC certificates and feel good that we train to remain within compliance, especially whenever career colleges in the area are in the news for losing accreditation or simply known for having compliance issues.

Sounds like a great plan to keep a binder of the information learned in this course. :)

Apart from keeping a binder with updated regulations in each campus we make sure to have great communication with our compliance office in which updates Admissions on any changes immidiately.

Few months ago I was attending my training course for the CIE I normally keep the links and the email's all the tools I received I follow my guide lines
Is wonderfully to keep all the information of the course and the rules it helps me a lot because what I received is current and is education for me as well with binder.

It is a good feeling! Keep up the good work and we appreciate the sound advice to the forum.

Patty Aronoff


Thank you for the feedback. Creating the binder is a task but in the end you have created a valuable resource.

Patty Aronoff

Having the information in one place for future reference is ideal for keeping compliant.

Patty Aronoff

Compliance s a daily activity. There is no room for noncompliance in the world of consumers.

Patty Aronoff

The Internet has provided us a quick way to retrieve updates and new information.

Patty Aronoff

We have a compliance department on campus that keeps the admissions staff up to date on our goal of continuous progress in our understanding of all applicable rules and regulations.

I already have my binder, and I plan to keep it up to date, by visiting the accrediting websites and making note of any and all changes. A lot can happen between starting the binder and a even a few weeks.

Apart from keeping a binder with updated regulations in each campus we make sure to have great communication with our compliance office in which updates Admissions on any changes immidiately.

I agree that keeping a binder with the information necessary to keep up to date with the regulations is key. I also believe that communication with the Directors and representative has alot to contribute to the ongoing daily tasks that need to be followed and rules and regulations.

I must confess I was delighted by the idea of an electronic notebook for internal procedures. We always have used the newsletter for our candidates and enrolled students for several topics (news, starting dates, etc.) but this idea comes to enrich a very efficient way of keeping up-to-date our faculty, enrollment team and administrative department of news and rules. Thanks... We'll implement it as soon as possible.

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