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My plan is keep all this information up dated in my binder to refresh monthly. Also have couple flash cards near to my desk with all the information needed.

Margaret, what a great idea! Reference at your fingertips!

My plan is to keep my resource notebook in my briefcase or my car so I can always have it handy to read it in between appointments or if I am having some downtime.

I agree completely! That's a wonderful idea and I will make sure I do the same. Flashcards are a quick finders way to get the information needed right away.

You may consider bringing it in with you to appointments. Some people like "to see it in writing."

My plan is to keep information in my notebook also going into the web-site to keep up dated.

The website keeps you informed on State regulations and events. Great idea!

On top of having my resource notebook kept handy I plan on making a general refrence sheet with various points and hanging it on my bulletin board so I may reference it quickly if I am on the phone or in my office with a student.

Thanks for the tip. I am sure many others appreciate your guidance.

Yay Flashcards... That is a great idea. Maybe I will make a board game out of admissions stuff. I mean this is serious stuff why not make it fun right? :)

Or maybe...Jeopardy!


If you are planning on creating flashcards, here is what has always worked well for me:

I create the cards themselves in PowerPoint, and you can print them in whatever size you like. I prefer to print the slides as 6/page.

Using a cropper (or scissors if you have the time), I quickly trim the cards, and then use double stick tape to assemble them if you want front & back text on the same card. If you prefer, you can just tape each one to an unlined index card

Run these cards over to Staples or any office supply store that can quickly and cheaply laminate cards. They just place a whole bunch of my cards on the machine, and almost instantaneously I am handed a nice warm laminated page of cards.

Again, grab your cropper (typically used for cropping photographs, available at any craft or scrapbooking store), and trim down the cards to a uniform size.

Lastly, punch a hole in the top corner of each card, and bind them together with a single ring, also available at any office supply store. Now you have a very organized, almost indestructible, yet readily available set of notes at your disposal.



Great idea! Thanks for posting on the forum.

Patty Aronoff

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