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Your Own Knowledge

I feel my IMMEDIATE recall of institutional knowledge is a 9 out of 10. I keep my resource book handy when I am uncertain about a policy or procedure. I expect my immediate knowledge to always be at a 9 out of 10 because our institution is a living, breathing organization -- growing, maturing and refining our programs, policies and procedures over time. So I expect that there will always be some piece of information that I just wont be able to put my finger on at a moment's notice. I'm comfortable with that but only because I intend to have that information available in my resource book.

I believe i know my institution very well, i have been employed here for 8 years now. I am very familiar with all the departments and their role at the institution. I have full knowledge of the programs we offer, however I do need a refresher at times as content and materials may get added/change in the programs.

my institutional knowledge is very good because I am also the lead instuctor

That will give you a unique perspective to the process, since you are an originator of the "product knowledge" for your program.

I feel very confident about the information I know regarding my institution. Not only am I the Admissions Director at my school for the past 3 years but I was also a student. I feel that this helps me to know both sides. We are currently going through the accreditation process and therefore policies are changing. I am keeping up with my end by studying the policies set out by CIE and implementing those into the way we do business now.

I rate my knowledge a 9, because of my admissions/verses retention scores.The students that graduate find jobs 95%. We track our graduates, that's how I know. My audits with the commission.They are always so IMPRESSED with my organizational skills. Anyone from the outside can come in and be able to run it . I even typed up a manual on how to operate the school.the love the way we follow up with our students to make sure the found employment, not that we have to.

I rate my knowledge about our institution at a 9 out of a possible 10. There is always room for learning the latest and greatest product knowledge and updates.I completed our course myself, a year ago so I would be well informed and could help inform prospective students. I also attend continued ed pertaining to our industry as often as possible.

I am also th edirector of education and was a campus director prior ot this so I feel I have an excellant handle on all aspects fo the school.

Overall I believe my knowledge of the institution is excellent. Some of the policies are a bit confusing and I always review the policy if there is any question before answering a student or prospective student- because as we know, these things change constantly!!

Excellent- keep up the good work

Since I have only been with my institution for two weeks I would rather not rate myself just yet BUT I am learning more and more every day. Just wait......

I rate my knowledge 9 out of 10. I participate in educational meetings, marketing meetings, financial aid meetings, and admission meetings. Our institution believes in a team environment and holds regularly scheduled meetings that involve multi-departments. In addition, I lead institutional compliance and assist with the development of marketing, admissions, financial and other documentation that is provided to students and used internally.

I believe that the suggestions of your organization are 100% on point with regards to knowing your colleagues and interacting on a regular basis.

I rate my knowledge of my institution as exceptional because of my passion and my position as an executive making policies.

I hear our admissions staff all day long showing students around the campus and am temapted to correct them real time when I overhear them saying this is student services this is where you get bus passes, instead of providing a complete desciption ofour array of academic and student support services

I would say that my knowledge about my institution is good. I have been working as the Compliance Coordinator for nearly 9 months and I have learned a lot. Everyday is a new learning experience.

I am lucky in that we only train in one specific course here. I keep my institution knowledge very high because I am so passionate about the program that we do offer. I am always keeping close communication with our instructors as well as student services and our education directors.

I believe my knowledge about my institution is a 10 because,I have been wearing all the hats

I feel that I am contiuning to find and learn more about the institution I work for every day. At this point I am very knowledgeable but there is always room to grow.

Very high. I have been in the Managing aspect of Court Reporting Schools for a very long time now so I have to be extremely knowledgable about any and all changes that are made within the industry.

I feel my knowledge level is very high since my school only offers one type of career training. I am very experienced in this field and have been familiar with it for many years. Despite how knowledgable I am, there always new things to learn in the field and I am always excited about learning the new technology involved and how the career field has changed in the past years.

I'm fairly new to this institution, so I'll modestly say a 7 out of 10. After my training session, I'm sure that it'll be a 10 very shortly.

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