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Continue to build your notebook by adding additional material such a marketing slicks and an organizational chart to name a few.

Patty Aronoff

Agreed! By building your notebook you are creating your own personal assistant to provide you the information you need when you need it.

Patty Aronoff


I agree! There are benefits to having both formats and it really comes down to personal preference.

Patty Aronoff


Paperwork is very important. In admissions, we are completing a contractual agreement with the student.

Patty Aronoff


Great news! The training takes you through the rules and regulations and through your internal processes.

Patty Aronoff

I will make sure all my paperwork is organized and add new information as soon as it is available.


Excellent plan! Keeping your information current is necessary for the value of the notebook.

Patty Aronoff

I am keeping an electronic copy of everything I can, while also maintaining an organized binder. Labels and dividers help keep the different sections easy to find.


You have the best of both formats giving the ease of use and ability to search quickly.

Patty Aronoff

I'm creating a binder to include marketing materials,a catalog and tuition and other pertinent information.

I have a binder and there is 2 binders for each rep. My binder and the rep's binders are duplicates of all training, and updates.

Excellent! You're off to a great start in building your resource materials.

Patty Aronoff


Great job! You are building resources for your staff to make sure everyone is on the same page for compliance.

Patty Aronoff

I created a binder notebook with the rules, regulations, as well as the training materials from this course.I will continue to add any new information, rules or regulations as they become available. I think having a digital copy is a great idea as well.


Congratulations! You are on your way to a solid resource for compliance and your position. Continue to add additional materials to reinforce compliance.

Patty Aronoff

This will be an ongoing project as I would like to start with all of the admissions forms and contract, then go into the schools rules and regulations with any additional information added as we build our new notebook.

I'm printing every detail and using a binder to put the information in order for my future references.

Agreed. Constantly putting in new information may actually fill an entire binder and overflow into another one. I like to keep everything I can, even things that are no longer valid because I like to see what has changed and how much it has changed.

I think that the binder is the best idea. I have a binder with lots of tabs so I can keep it all organized for a fast reference in the future.

I have a check list which I follow to complete the admission paperwork.

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