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I intend to use the information in the section to further bolster both our advisory board and our governing board. I will incorporate the sections of this lesson for greater feedback from both groups.

The importance of finding the right members for your advisory board and what type of board will better suite your needs. This made a lot of sense when thinking about the advisory board I have now for my program. I will train my members and make sure they fully understand what their role is.

Advisory board members participate on a voluntary basis and their primary purpose is to be a management reaource that enhances resident skills for a specific purpose.

Advisory boards are a great way to stay abreast of the upcoming and changes that are happening in the industry. They also are a good source to ensure that the schools curricula are teaching the students skills that employers are seeking. The boards are giving us a great view and can suggests ideas to improve the students experience and education overall.

With employment trends changing so often now, having a diverse advisory board can help better field the needs of the college, curriculum and the students, along with being better able to tailor the curriculum to meet future needs in the industry.  

The effectiveness of both the governing Board and Advisory board may depend on how the members were identified, recruited, and trained. Therefore, policies must be very strategic.

I liked this because I have my fist advisory board being new in the education field and this has sure helped me to understand the importance of the board.

governing and advisory boards have very different roles but are equally important to success

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