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Improving Communication

Our Team is in the field the majority of the day with limited time spent together. How can we tackle all of these issues in one meeting if we meet once a week?


Your situation is challenging but not uncommon. Requiring a mandatory weekly or bi-monthly meeting is essential. The key is sometimes not the meeting, but the premeeting work that you require and the minutes that are sent out that codify decisions and opinions. Also, I have a quantifiable weekly “script” or report that I have every department head complete. In academics for example, it includes items like, # of drops last week, # of new starts, # of students with multiple Fs, # of students absent for more than 3 consecutive days, faculty openings, upcoming events, and help needed from other departments. I require that this report is sent prior to the weekly call so that I can be ready to ask questions or provide solutions. Another helpful tool is to set up a virtual website or portal page for your team. Encourage them to respond to threaded questions or suggestions and to post issues. This enables you to have communication throughout the week even if you are not at the same location.

Dr. Jamie Morley

We have this type of meeting biweekly the agenda is prepared prior to the meeting the expectations for each participant are made clear to have all the information prepared prior to the meeting. Most of the time these are numbers that we track on a daily basis so no extra time is spent in preparation for the meeting. These meeting are held on the campus so that we do have time to meet face to face. An open forum is held at the end of the meetings to cover any new items not addressed on the agenda. These meeting usually take less than an hour twice a month they are very productive. This includes all staff members of the management team also anyone who would like to attend has an open invitation. For the staff members out in the field they know how to schedule their time around these meeting and site

Martha ,
I am very impressed by the organization and diligence of the meetings you describe. It is often hard to get people in the field to commit to attend the meetings. It sounds like your company has done a good job at emphasizing the importance of the meeting and enforcing participation. Have you considered recording the meetings so that they can be shared and reviewed? That might be the next evolution to consider. Keep up the great work.

Dr. Jamie Morley

There are other ways to improve communication without face to face contact.
In this modern day of advanced technology, the cell phone and computer can keep you in contact with the other members of your group.
Plans can be formulated, refined, and finalized, with follow ups, and fine tuning taking place at the meeting.

Great points. Additionally, many of us now work in a global environment which precludes frequent face-to-face meetings. If you have the technology, video meetings is almost like being conferencing allows you to see body language and facial expressions you can not get otherwise. This can also help to establish a more personal relationship.

Ron Obstfeld

I appreciate the thought about representatives taking notes for other team members - it seems to me that about half the time one person will be very effective at capturing the information, but some individuals 'assume' the information being disseminated is 'common-knowledge' and may return with comments like "nothing new" - how do you get representatives to capture more information without making them become stenographers?

You might consider recording the meetings. People would then be able to see/hear and be able to fast forward or rewind without filters

Ron Obstfeld

It is very common for time to be limited in group togetherness. As mentioned in a previous responses there are other ways to reach each individual without being in a group setting. Emails with points of dicussion is always a good start. Therefore, people can formulate a plan and gather their ideas of the points given. With taking this approach no one is left out. When the weekly meetings come along everyone can be in the know.


Good point. No matter what medium you is a good idea to include team members of meeting agendas and anticipated results so they are well prepared. This helps make meetings much more efficient and effective.

Ron Obstfeld

I feel good communication is so important, especially in the work force. So many things are resolved, before they become a big issue, simply by communicating with one another.


How do you ensure that there is good communication with your group?

Ron Obstfeld

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