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Preparation for a meeting is important. Knowing what your expectations and goals are for your participants make it much easier to have a productive meeting.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I would have to agree with most of the other responses of keeping the meeting running on time. Where ever I work I most often seem to be surrounded with strong personality and opinionated individuals, sticking to the time line of the agenda is more often a problem and topics that are on the agenda might not be throughly covered. The course has given me some essential tools such as give them a job to do, going over etiquette prior to the meeting or stopping the meeting early if necessary I feel this is a good stepping stone for these type of individuals in the future.

I agree with your observations. This gives credence to the value of have a meeting that is well planned with the expectations for the attendees known well in advance. The meetings with type "A" personalities requires some strong structure. You can do this with allowing for each member having opportunities for ownership.

Dr. Gary Carlson

One of the hardest tasks in preparing for a meeting finding the time to ensure all major topics are covered and items addressed during earlier meetings with different stake holders are included so everyone recieved the information as it was delivered.

There are many ways to convey information or Directions. Webcast given and recorded can be a way of getting out the info. If discussion is required smaller satellite meetins with the members who need to know. Technology has allowed us to be flexible on how to present a meeting or information

Dr. Gary Carlson

Taking into consideration our work schedule, where we have two classes a day and having several instructors working both schedules it becomes difficult to have our schedules just meet in the middle. So the way I handle this is try to meet in the middle. Prepare at least a week ahead of time and not only plan a meeting in advance but to go around and talk to each instructor as well as send out emails to see if our times will and or can meet together

Good planning makes the information relavant to the stakeholders. In today's world we need to provide alternatives for our people to get the information. With the technology available this can be done.

Dr. Gary Carlson

It very well may be the hardest task, making sure you are able to plan a time frame that is able to fit into the schedule of a school. That's because there may be so many people involved that may have a full plate with assisting other coworkers and students. Not to mention larger company meetings.

This is when we need to be flexible with the schedules people have. Use all the alternatives to get people involved with repeated alternate times and use the technology available for the stakeholders to receive the information. Some meetings can be done by Skype or other video capabilities.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Many times in my case the meetings are a short 40 minutes, SO, that means that we have anywhere from 1-3 a week because or our work/time schedule, We do cover a lot of material in a short time. well organized and YES sometimes it does get off track.

Great meetings are well organized. The expectations of the meeting should be clear for all participants. When people know the direction it is easy to get people back on track to the expectation.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I believe the hardest task is getting "buy in" for the meeting and getting people to ask, "What's in it for me." We have way too many meeting which people are sitting around wondering "Why am I here?" The most productive meetings are the ones in which people know why they are there and what's in it for them.

Preplanning and information for the participants before hand is essential. The leaders of a meeting should explain the expectations of the meeting before the participants arrive. The challenges and the benefits for change should be outlined. This should give the employees a chance to see the value of the strategic plan. When people arrive a good discussion should be positive and constructive for improvement for the plan.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I think staying on agenda and completing the meeting on time is the hardest thing. In addition one has to get the opinion of as many people as possible within the limited time given. Often that leads to longer stay than scheduled.

Agenda's need to be built by priority. Information needs to be shared prior to the meeting. A clear statement of the expectations needs to be shared for the purpose of the meeting. Redundant conversation needs to be eliminated. Gather information without debates. These simple rules of meeting planning will help to move on the meeting with a meaningful outcome. You people will appreciate your organization.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I think the hardest task in preparing for a meeting is getting the others to read the documents required before the meeting.

Meeting prep requires some activity where each person will have an assignment for the meeting. Require individuals to be interactive before the meeting. Create teams to report on the progress o their research or dedicated interaction from interviewing others.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I believe the hardest thing about a meeting is getting everyone to stay on topic. There always seems to be someone who has something to say that is not pertinent information to the topic, next thing you know you’re discussing a subject that had nothing to do with your agenda and 15 minutes of your two hours has been used up.


This is a common issue with meetings. Teachers often get of track in their classrooms the same way. The secret is the prep for the meeting and clarifying the objective the meeting. If the expectations are clearly explained and laid out you can stay on topic easier. When I have lead many meetings when a person starts off topic I would immediately communicate the comment may be important but is not appropriate to the topics we have outlined for today.

Pre-planning and laying out the expectations for the meeting is essential to keep on topic. This gives you the opportunity to stop anyone who gets off the expectations.

Dr. Gary Carlson

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