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A good leader will get to know his subordinates personalities and allow them to participate. This gives them ownership in whatever project they are doing.

Don Stamile
Chief Instructor

Hi Don
Sometimes a good leader knows when to get out of the way of really great staff and support them so they can work productively and creatively. And when there is a really effective employee that person may be able to coach others in those particular skills. We also believe that ownership is important to get a project done well. And Teamwork. Thanks for your comments, Susan

Different personality types require different styles of coaching. As with helping students, it's a great experience when people are already motivated to learn and grow. I think a major "don't" as a leader is "don't micromanage." How anyone has time for that is a mystery to me.

Interesting points about the level of management. We think it depends on each person. Some people need a bit more help to be able to manage themselves. Others can function with the briefest of instruction. As managers we have to determine if our efforts with a person will likely yield results and then determine the level of coaching needed. Thanks, Susan

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