Authentic Assessment
How do we insure that online courses provide measurable objectives and framework for authentic assessment?
You build all assessment around the course objectives. I am developing a writing course that utilizing project management for students to plan and produce their writing projects. It is set to simulate the time management issues in the workplace even though it is a writing course. The outcome will determine how well they managed their project.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
As mentioned in another post, as an example, we can use case studies. Another we use "research" on specific concepts or topics.
For instance when I use research I specifically let the students know what the topic is, but they should not think that everyone is going to find the same information or use the same information in answering the assignment. An example, what are 4 competitive strategies? Depending on the source(s) used and the approach taken by the author, various answers can be found. It then is the dialogue between the students over what was found that in my opinion adds "value". Are the strategies for instance simply "competitive", if so are they related to marketing? Or operational? Financial? etc.
I really like your example. It does bring real world and course knowledge together. Students need to know in the real world, there may be more than one right answer. This does drive them crazy. . .
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Build into the assignments industry standard criteria then have the student(s) apply these to a specific project of their design or one assigned to them.
How important is that! Students need to know that industries have those standards and the reason why. It is not just something to learn, it is something you use.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson