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Objective and Subjective

We use objective quizes for weekly "Spot checks" of students learning levels. These tests are a mix of true/false and multiple choice questions.Out course final is subjective, essay answers to gauge students understanding of material being taught.

What a great way to use the different types of assessments for different purposes. That is what you are suppose to do!!!!

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

What a great way to use the different types of assessments for different purposes. That is what you are suppose to do!!!!

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Do you think that the big difference between multiple choice tests and essay tests makes a difference for students? Do you think outcomes would be better on the essay if "practice" essays were given during the course? (Even just short answer questions)I think that having a mix is great!


I do think a mix is best as different questions measure different things. I do like using essay in the online environment.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

I give essay tests, and I have them do 2 practice midterms in groups where they have work through the problems together. Then we discuss each question as a class. The students find it very helpful.


I think that is a great strategy. If you give them practice tests, they will also become familiar with the delivery of the exam. Good idea.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

A good essay question is both objective and subjective: Factual validity within the context of the answer and evaluation of the thought process that produced the essay and interpreted the factual information.


True, you have to look for specific information within the essay question, but how it is presented may be subjective.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

It sounds like the course is VERY well-rounded. Switching things up keeps things fresh for the students. Having their minds sharp for different types of learning can only benefit them in future endeavors!

Hi Krystal: I definitely agree with your strategy. On the one level, multiple choice are at the lower end of Bloom's whereas the essays would be at the higher end. But providing practice essays--even short answer as you suggested--would get the students to the higher level throughout the course--not just at the end.

Nicholas ,

I will be honest with you, I am not a proponent of teaching to a student's specific learning style. I think it just cripples them to learn one way. Research is beginning to identify this.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Dr. Vicki,

Agreed. It takes a mixture of assessment objective and subjective to have a strong evaluation tool.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

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