Nicholas  Wisniske

Nicholas Wisniske

About me


Consisent layout and organization is critical. One of the hardest things for students is to acclimate to new things.  If you and your colleagues are all on the same page in how things are laid out and delivered, the sense of familiarity for the student can go a long way.


We've been doing a blend of synchronous and asynchronous learning for a while and I'm glad that this module really reinforced how important consistancy is. It took us a while to really figure that out and get everyone on board with it. 

The best new idea that came from this past midule was the idea of a FAQ page that students could help to answer, incentivizing them to do so.  I like it!


In the first quiz assessment, I chose D which I'm pretty confident is the correct answer, even based on the blurb it sent as feedback. But the self-grading quiz claims the answer is A. Is this a glitch?

A big eye opener for me here was self-evaluating and figuring out what teaching style I use and utilize the most. Once I figured that out, I weighed the pros and cons of each tool. Some of the sites and technologies listed here were completely new to me so it was fun to poke around and see what they had to offer.


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