Technology pitfalls
I have found that even in an online learning environment students will blame their ability to use or access technological resources as the core of their failures or struggles in a course. It may be avoided if a student is provided hardware and software when enrolled as part of their enrollment package versus allowing students to use their existing resources. Of course this may drive up tuition which some would argue would be a worse outcome.
You are right. I give my students a pretest online in the LMS to find out their strengths and weaknesses. It also gives students a chance to get in the LMS and use it and take tests. This can be very valuable when they have to be assessed.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
I think you have a point here but what might be more cost effective would be to have a training system so students could practice the technology involved in the course. That way students can still "practice" whenever they feel the need but know they will not suffer bad grades if they need more practice time.
It is important that students know how to use the technology. In education, we tend to give students and instructors technology but provide no training to use it.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Providing hardware and software would solve some problems but not all and would even create some new ones. My school provided all students with mac books for a time. The problem is, not everyone is familiar with mac books. Many use a PC, like me. That alone while solving many problems by providing consistency among the students would also force those unfamiliar with the new hardware to learn it in addition to what is being taught in the class.
Interesting, I really had not thought about that. The lack of technology becomes a barrier that is typically blamed on the instructor.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson