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Group Collaboration

Sometimes I found it difficult to get all students engaged in group projects. When I monitor there discussion history and try interventions I have not been super successful. Any suggestions. I try direct communication and email, but have mixed responses.


I assign jobs to the members of the groups: Leader, facilitator, recorder, and reporter. I also give them specific duties so they are responsible for certain things dealing with the project. I also have them do a peer assessment and use the rubric for self-assessment. Hope this is helpful.


I have the same problem as Joe. I like your suggestion, but I worry that even when roles are assigned certain students don't participate. I realize that part of this is simply the nature of how groups operate(some people take on more than others). I guess my question is how much should we push the students and contact them to participate, and when should we hold them accountable?



I have a group evaluation as well so that all participants are encouraged to teach and are graded on their participation. It helps motivate all students. Thanks for your input.

I find group projects to be the most frustrating aspect to an online course. I recognize the value of team work and collaboration and even its value in terms of practice for the real world. How many jobs do not involve some teaming, especially virtual teaming? However, the incentives in the real world for collaborative orientation are far greater than those in an online classroom. MANY students have not had to put any effort into group projects and have sailed on the coattails of their fellow teammates. This type of precedent sets up expectations for future course behavior. Inconsistent grading by instructors is a very real issue. Even when I am diligent and reward only proven contributions which I am able to verify from reviews of communication, submitted materials and from peer evaluations, students, in general, slack during project time. The personal frustration of waiting for a team member to deliver a segment that is required before others can work on their part is a significant concern and source of dissatisfaction. I have not found any communication, processes or incentives that have produced consistent responses and behavior. I am currently teaching different courses that required NO group projects as part of the deliverables. I am grateful for that!



Have you tried notifying groups that they have to assign specific jobs to each person in the group and they also have to complete a peer evaluation which impacts the individual grade at the end of the project? That works for me. Thanks!

I find it hard to get students engaged in group projects because some students wait until late in the week to participate in online activities making it difficult to create schedules that work for everyone in the group.

Chantee ,

I have periodic things that must be turned in throughout the project timeframe, so they can't earn all points unless they meet those periodic deadlines. I also have students do a peer evaluation on each other and that helps as well. Hope this is helpful.

I found Suzanne's post extremely interesting.

I am trying to organize a group project. It goes like this and I wish comments.

Group is divided in two groups regarding Starbucks USA and Starbucks International.
Would assign Team Leader to Starbucks USA
Would assign Team Leader to Starbucks International

The team leaders would pick from topics such as history of starting company, locations, popular offerings and price, etc.
They would assign each student a topic to research and submit to their particular forum. So all team members would have their own responsibility.

When all team members have responded with their particular assignment, the Leader would condense and put online to the other team forum. Discussions by all could follow

This is what I am thinking, but wish comments.
This is an Introduction to Business discussion.

Thanks in advance...


When each team member understands their duties and responsibilities and how to work together, they will be more likely to meet their goals. Thank you.

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