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So many things go into developing that pattern of communication. We do have to think carefully about our timing and how we communicate consistently. Thanks for your input.

When establishing a pattern of communication, there are many methods but the two methods, I find important are frequent communication and demonstration.

Frequent communication is important because no instructor can be online 24/7, however, when you are online (if known - established time) or unknown (random checks), it is important to frequently as possibly answer any question concern or even send a question to stimulate thoughts of the student, as it provides a sense of belonging and that you are reliable.

Demonstration of communication is nothing more than setting the standard and not only talking about (even if outlined in a syllabus) on how you want the writing done but taking more of an (I do, we do, you do) approach establishes credibility with students and keeps you on your game too :).



Frequent and consistent communication comes up often when we discuss a pattern of communication. Frequency and consistency builds good habits. Thanks!

Pattern is the key word in this question. The student should not have to guess at when or how the instructor will communicate. The method of communication needs to be "spelled out" so everyone knows when (frequency) and type (method) of communication.

Jacqueline Bloink


Right on! "Pattern" is the key word. we have to develop habits - good communication habits - to be able to develop that pattern. Nice job.

I believe it is important to be honest with students and then follow through. For example, I inform my student I will respond to emails and voicemails within 24 hours. I also provide hours at which I am accessible by telephone. I follow through on these guidelines so that students can build rapport with me.


Absolutely! If we set a rule/regulation, we have to stick with it. Follow through is very important. However, we should expect the same from the students. They too should follow through. Thanks!

I think it's important to establish guidelines on time frames. For example, all email should be answered within 48 hours. Or all feedback will be provided within 3 days of submission.
I find students really want that so they don't feel like they are being ignored if you don't respond within 12 hours. At least you have set the standard.


Right. Set the standard and stick to it. It's a common guideline to respond within 24-48 hours. Thanks for adding to the conversation.

I think establishing expectations to students for how quickly they can expect to receive a reply (for example, students often email repeatedly within a short time frame) so letting them know how often you check and respond to email, then always being respectful in communication is key.


Connections with students helps establish that pattern of communication. Nice job.

Thanks for adding to the conversation.

When establishing a pattern of communication consistency and clarity are extremely important. It is important to remain consistent with expectations from the students and timeframes for which they are expected and when you will provide personalized feedback. Inconsistencies can cause confusion for the students. Clarity of expectations, resources and feedback are also key. It does not matter how consistent you are if you do not make yourself and the materials clear to the students and vice versa.


Right on! Hence a "pattern" - consistency and clarity are two key components. We want to avoid that confusion. Thanks!

There are many things that should be considered when establishing a pattern of communication. Two that I feel are very important are:

1) the university's course policy regarding communication. While the instructor may have some ideas, if they do not match those of the university it can be confusing for students so it is important to understand the university's policy and then build from that.

2) the development of the rubric for assignments. The one provided in the course material for this class is a great starting point but of course needs to go along with further explanation to students so they have a full understanding of the expectations.


So true. We have to connect the institution's policy, students and expectations to begin to develop that pattern of communication. Thanks for your input.

In order to establish an effective pattern of communication, there needs to be clear expectations such as how many posts need to be placed in the DB. Faculty also needs to offer quick turn-around in email responses in order to set a pattern of consistency.

Thank you,

Hi everyone,

Here are two things to consider, but there are many more.

1. Polite/ professional communication and language. Clearly, there is no place in communications for anger, insults, or "bad language." Students can debate and comment on other positions, but not attack the other person, or me. :) Professional also means to edit for clearly written comments using college level writing.

2. Substantive comments and writing. I teach science and emphasize that the best answers are written in students' own words, but with specific facts and examples, often cited from credible references. Back up and support your ideas and positions with specifics; this earns a higher grade.

I try to model both of these in my communications in the class and when responding to individual students. Lyn Hoffmann


Clear expectations help students understand the communication expectations. With that in mind, a patter can emerge from the consistency of communication. Thanks!

Lyn ,

Good points. Communication should be professional and include the proper amount of information. When you model this and explain the expectations clearly to the students, they will do the same. Nice job.

I believe that clarity and consistency are important to consider. Without clarity, we don't know what's being communicated. Consistency reinforces clarity. Clear expectations and a pattern of tone (netiquette) will keep everyone on the same page.

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