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The use of different sources of information along with the value that it will help them achive their goals is very important to their learning.

How can the instructor make sure that the value of the technology is both perceived and experienced by students?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

It has always been very important to know how your taught material relates to what the student faces in the real world. But it is even more important to allow the student to make that connection and the instructor can be there for support in a non critical fashion.

By using the virtual connections beyond the material will help expand there knowledge of the course and its objectives.

I have to aggree with Ken, Having the student go through things in the class and "on paper" so to speak, I beleive relateing it to rela world problems will work well. Our students love to hear " I remember a time when....." It brings the text to life for them, and lets them problem solve in thier minds.A connection is made this way.


Very true - expanding the learning environment...

Dr. Ruth Reynard

I challenge the student to use all there resources like OEM mat.the text book the internet and vender web sites. this way they get a well rounded learning experence.

I think it is important to think beyond the material given. I would try to encourage the students to use the information that was given and take it a step ahead to try to apply it to real life scenarios. Also, I think it teaches problem solving skills that are helpful for development.

Ask opened questions that will cause them to think about the material the question was asked about. Tell them about some positive outcomes of the past on the subject matter that you are lecturing on. That tends to peak their interest for the time being. Then ask them what they expect to get out of that days lesson plan. Try and answer any questions they may have about the lecture and its content. Try to not get have subjuct to much when telling about your task that involved in.

Audie Toney
ttl 35
Avodale Az.

Virtual connections in our application are a great asset for research and problem solving. By researching content that is relevant and connects them to real world applications can keep them focused and on task

with the use of the white board and any and all hands on training plus any projection device you use will help keep the student more involved and interested.

The students in my class seem to respond well to the idea that they have options. After teaching them the course material, I like to ask them questions and how they might retrieve the information. Being a Road Service Technician for so long, I sometimes ask "If you were 25 miles from nowhere and this happened, what would you do?"


Yes, Q&A is so important to developing critical thinking skills and to support students in the application of their learning in real world contexts of use - great!

Dr. Ruth Reynard

james ,

Yes, this provides a way to heighten interactivity and engagement.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Yes, I have found this to be the case in my research as well - when provided with choices, students use them!! :)

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Showing value in what students are learning is the key in keeping them interested in the curriculum. By utilizing virtual connections in our curriculum will ultimately assist our students with the problems they have been assigned to solve. By using different virtual connections and understanding the concept of how they have been assisted in the diagnostic process by these connections will be motivation in itself. When a student sees the value in this, the excitement of meeting the objective will keep them interested in the class itself.

In the course that I teach the students have the luxury of having the Ford web site to look up information to help them with their course objectives. They can access this at home as well as at school making it very versatile.

I think that, although we want to encourage the student to think and expand the information that we present them, It must be controlled to meet the requirements of the course. If we allow some time each session to discuss what new or advanced subjest information they have uncovered after testing on the subject ans before going on to the next. We can maintain control of the course and still encourage the students to think beyond the presented material Chuck Peters

Try to keep everything geared towards the real world application of all information learned.


Yes, real world application are where the information is understandable to the students ...

Dr. Ruth Reynard

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