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My goal in that situation would be to encourage the student to connect that “virtual connection” to a real life situation that they can relate to. Once they can make a personal connection to the material it becomes easier to get them excited about it or at least keep them interested.


Yes, application to real life is always helpful for students so that they can see the purpose in what they are learning. Good points...

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Because I teach in a manufacturers program the courses come all canned. While this has a tendency to limit some efforts it does interfere with using virtual connections include internet pre reqs, with testing . Online service information including TSB's and SSM's.Computer based senerios used for diagnostic training. Hands on lab assignments invoving group dynamics, and demonstration of different tools and processes.One thing I have introduced to the class is search the web for owners blogs and developing a symptom/complaint chart to discuss in class. As we discuss these consumer reported issues we try to devlope procedures for resolving the issues. In some cases the students are suprised to fiind certain vehicle/engine combinations are not being blogged about in a complaining manner.

Certainly using the Internet for research and discovery is a great way to enhance student engagement - hopefully you will gain more freedom to integrate more technology over time...

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Make the students aware that using updated information will assist them in the knowledge thay need to perform their work. Using all the resources avail to them will help.

One of the main ways to keep students engaged is to give practical applications for every facet of what they are doing. Our curriculum utilizes varying methods and students actively use different methods. During their practical diagnostics on vehicles they are required to utilize different virtual connections so they are able to see how it relates in a practical function.

We have access to a manufacturers web site. The students have access to the same material the techs have. They have to go to this website to access training material & do the courses at home or at school. They can ask the instructor questions about what they learned & we also have hands on labs to help reinforce what they learned in those web courses.

Not sure what you mean here - could you explain more clearly? Thanks!

Dr. Ruth Reynard


Absolutely! Providing the application and relevance for every area of content and assignment will generate a lot more interest in your students and keep them focused as they will understand the benefit.

Dr. Ruth Reynard


excellent! Authentic material and learning environments - this is very beneficial for your students! This will mean their learning is both relevant and current.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

trying to keep the students involved with the lesson outside of class is easer if the student is excited about the lesson from the beginning. I think it starts in the classroom

I do not think that keeping the course exciting is really going to be the difficult part. I feel it will be keeping them from getting to far ahead and still keeping them focused on the current course tasks and material. Once they see the availability of online material many will want to access the material that is going to be out there some of it false and helping them seperate the false data from the correct data will be more difficult process


Yes, lock-stepping content does circumvent the essence of the Internet: in my experience, while students can work ahead, it is the group work and collective class activities that help retain the accountability to the learning community of the entire class. Self-directedness should not be discouraged in students, however, simply included as a potential learning outcome.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

I continually remind my class about websites where they can get more information about the subject matter in my courses.

I think that if I can help them develop research and critical thinking skills that those are skills they can use weather they stay in the automotive business or not. in any industry the ability to problem solve and stay current with emerging technology is a key challenge that must always be overcome.


Indeed! Critical and creative thinking skills are incredibly transferable - good points!

Dr. Ruth Reynard

In real world applications, information is critical to be able to obtain as today's vehicles have many more circuits and components making it difficult to memorize repair procedures. Information is constantly changing and updating in the field. If you can't find info you are at a disadvantage.


Yes, information ad the modes of access to it are changing - this as vast implications for curriculum and therole ofthe instructor...

Dr. Ruth Reynard

I think it will help the students stay engaged due to the fact that most are so tech driven already. They will feel more comfortable using the media they are familiar with.


Do you think it also helps with those students who aren't tech savvy? How does it help to improve student engagement overall?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

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