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Transformation Age

This generation is growing in the transformation age which means that technology is prevalent in many facets. The traditional way of learning will be the thing of the past as technology keeps improving.

It is interesting you should say that. When asked what I do for a living, I respond with the fact that I teach online classes to adults. I think that there are more that are confused about how that works then there are that do. Hybrid classrooms seem to be implemented in University's which excludes those that have been out of school and those that have not yet entered post secondary education.

As I completed my Masters in Secondary Science Education, it seems like they were just discussing ways to introduce learning online. It will only be a matter of time when this becomes the norm.

I think it is more of the norm than what you may think. All i see both secondary and university is online online. I love it!

We now live in the digital age. most secondary students have grown up using technology in the form of communication more so than the instructors who teach them. It is and will be more important for instructors to engage in utilizing various forms of technology with students if they expect to retain the student's interest.

The traditional forum of learning should not be cast aside. Building it upon it is the key to true transformation.

Very true...also, there are changes in "norms" that instructor's need to realize: direct communication and social networks that impact learning.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

April ,
Good point! Yes, good teaching remains good teaching :) New technology is, however, changing many things about the teaching and learning process and expectations of students are changing too. While the concepts remain, new methods and new tools must be used in order to effectively reach and teach students.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

As an instructor in both class and online environments, I can see the benefits of both and can see where each can be more effective than the other. With some things like tasting or using the senses, more interactive events like labs or field trips, for me the face-to face version is better. With online versions of lecture or discussion forums, I do feel they are effective and concentrated with no diversions. I don't personally see all learning moving online.

Good points! Yes, there are different types of learners and some approaches and deliveries are more suitable to some than others. What you point out here is why hybrid or blended is so successful with students - it addresses more of the learning preferences more of the time. Moving ahead, however, I would suggest we keep watching the technology development as much of what keeps us apart may not be the case in a few years (I'm thinking about hollographics).

Dr. Ruth Reynard

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