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I feel that different forms of teaching offers the student a choice of which way he or she will learn or retain the material the best. this will also offer the instructor an insight into what student likes or responds to the best. kind of gives every one a choice.

i think blended learning will help the students that do not learn as fast as some others. By allowing them to go over the material multiple times without slowing or feeling like they are slowing a class down.

This is the reality in terms of simply the diversity of any group of students - blended delivery offers the variety of inputs and outputs that address the differences in student preferences in learning.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Students in my opinion will be more engaged utilizing the dynamic and multidirectional forms of communication. Not every student learns and can grasp information in the same manner; by using different communication methods in order to present material will indirectly touch all types of learning styles. Students will also have more ownership of their education due to the customization of content choices the will have with this type of format. Having these types of options for my students and still having a face-to-face meeting will keep our students engaged.


Great points! How do you think this might change your role from how you currently operate?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

As no Two people are alike in their personalties; no two people learn alike. Having more then one approach to information deliver is important to getting the message across.


Very true - can you provide us with more specifics on how this looks in your class group?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

I do an excellent job in the class, students stay engaged because in the begining of class I tell them I expect them, and demand, that they stay engaged and to be apart of the group.I move information at them quickly, I change gears often,I am soft spoken at times and other times loud and forceful. I am serious,I am funny,I use facial expressions, hand jestures,sounds,I am dynamic and multidirectional.


It sounds like you use a variety of communication techniques which is great! It is important, however, to use your skills to facilitate the development of the students' communication abilities - how do you intentionally do that and which technology helps?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

This is not new Dynamic and Multidirection learning,we must use it to be get the information to the students,all students learn at a different pace and manner. I find different way to engage students and to find ways to make material usfull or exciting. you don't learn this on line or in one day.But to become a good instructor you will.

Yes it is a learning process for the instructor too :) good points!

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Dynamic and multidirectional learning ensures that learners of different styles will all be addressed and satisfied in some way that the material is presented.

Using the modern communication devices that the student uses every day in his own life can give him as venue that can maintain his interest. Having him research a subject in addition to the normal class work may keep up interest in the subject being taught. Chuck Peters

Yes, the design is addressed, the delivery is addressed and the instructor must remain committed to supporting the actual learning process in order for the student to truly succeed.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

It helps keep them engaged by giving different ways to see, hear, and read the information. It gets them involved in thier education more directly.

Having students conduct their own research on any subject helps to buidl greater understanding - communication in a dynamic learning environment is multiple-directional - good points!

Dr. Ruth Reynard

To what exactly are you referring to here , James? Do you mean the technology itself helps engage the student?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Yes, especially when thwy get to more than one.

Everyone learns and receives information in different ways. The more ways a teacher can provide information to their students, the greater the chances that actual learning and retention of information will occur.

Tough question here since I already use a sort of blended teaching method depending on the topic being taught in my course on a particular day.
I have used an instructor lead presentation of material with student participation; Computer based training where the student follows an interactive presentation of a topic utilizing videos and quizzes. Upon the completion of all areas presented on the topic on the computer the student is allowed to print of a certificate of completion. If the student has not mastered the concept based on his/her answers to the quizzes the computer will have them review the areas they are struggling in again before they can take the quiz again.
I have asked students to work on a research assignment as a collaborative group sharing what they had learned. This gets the students to think outside the box and get’s them thinking of alternate solutions to problems. Some solutions presented are very good and not all students would have thought of doing it that way if they were doing this assignment on their own.
In the near future our core courses are going to a more structured style blended learning where the student is required to view online presentations of a topic before coming to class where the instructor will then be able to clear up any confusion of what the student viewed on line, add to the information presented, test the students, and allow the students to perform hands on practice of the techniques learned online out in the lab area.
This seems like a very structured schedule and we will see if it will present any barriers to our students who are not as computer savvy as some. We will have to make changes as problems arise to meet the different learning styles of our students as needed but I’m excited about this upcoming change. The unknown at this point is how far our curriculum department will allow us to expand on the topic information wise (time in class). Hopefully after teaching this course numerous times I hope I could be flexible enough to integrate and actually use student-led content. Time will tell.

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