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Bringing the Classroom to YOU

By learning these techniques and proper preparation, Online Instructors can bring their real world experience, and teaching skills, to millions of students who otherwise would have no access to higher education.

Just because it is an online class, doesn't mean you cannot bring real world experience to enrich the class content

I like that thought! Students love real world experience!

Shelly Crider

Very true statement. Online learning platforms that have live chats requirements is a good way to bring the "real world" into the classroom. I know it may be more work on the instructors but being able to connect with the students on a current and applying to the units will engage the students more.

The tricky part is now making the live chats a "requirement" for students to participate.

Simone Branham

A graded live chat might be movtivating enough for the student to join.

Shelly Crider

The best way to enhance student interaction is to give timely and constructive feed back. This is one of the way the class room can be brought to the instructor.
The way we can increase student interaction is:

Goals and Objectives: As a result of participation in this course, students will be able to:
1.Understand 21st century skills, why they are important and how to integrate them into your classroom.
2.Create a lesson plan with thoughtful integration of 21st themes and skills.
3.Create online tools, specifically a wiki, for classroom use.
4.Develop the classroom into a online learning environment for students.

Timely and constructive feed back is a very powerful tool!

Shelly Crider

Excellent point, it breaks one of the major barriers to education

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