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Visual Methods

Using visual means of teaching is very important. There are some students that learn better because they are visual learners.

Usually I find at least half of the class is visual.

Powerpoint presentations are very helpful to the students. They are able to follow the topic a lot easier and by hearing and reading the powerpoints they seem to retain the information more.

Visual learning is retained better,students test higher from visual learning

PowerPoint can be a great tool combined with activity for learning.

I use all methods when possible but the one that is used always is visual. This is very important in mt classes

Most people, including myself, will say they are visual learners. I think to see with your own eyes will help you remember better.

Yonne, it is good that you know you are visual. This alllows you to identify with the majority of learners

Most of my classes are visual learners. good retention

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