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Word Soup Challenge

In terminology memorization is the key, which is usually accomplished by repitition. a type of game where you have a certain time limit and notecards with different word parts on and the learner has to make as many words out of what is in the "bowl of soup" in the allotted time.

I love this bowl of soup idea and can't wait to try it.

This seems like an excellent idea and I am holding onto cards that contain parts of words for med. terms. This will definitely be a game I can incorporate and can't wait to use.

Maira, I like this one, too. Give it a try!

I am going to try this one! I love the idea and think the students will enjoy it too as well as build their terminology skills.

I will be trying this activity. I teach respiraory therapy and find that many of the words the students have a hard time with are basic terminology. Using the word soup challenge will give them the opportunity to review these words in a fun environment.

I like this strategy as well.

I love this idea! I think it will be a fun one to try. My students seem to get bored with different ways of trying to learn medical tersms, I think I will try a version of this. May even make a virtual "bowl" for them to put their words in.., see who can fill the bowl with correct terms the most quickly?

Wonderful idea, like scrabble.

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