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Event Cards

Encouraging adult learners with hands on activities is a great idea. Of course, the information will retain in different ways depending on each individual but I will try. Sounds fun and engaging.

Sarom, I am glad to hear you like this idea. I hope it is one you try with your students. Thanks!

I agree, I teach Dental but can utilize a lot of these suggestions for my class. We play a couple of games and those are the topics they always remember, so I am excited to have other options.

Susan, I am glad some of these ideas are adaptable to your dental content. Enjoy!

I plan on implimenting this into my lesson plan.

I feel that this activity will encourage learnes of all age group hands on is an awesome activity in any course. I use it allthe time.

I also teach with event cards in my nutrition course. I give the groups of students an index card that gives a scenario of a patient, background information, etc. Students must then discuss with their group how they would counsel their "patient". Each group presents, and after each presentation, I give the rest of the class an opportunity to discuss whether they agree or disagree with the recommendations given.

ANy premade cards available. I hate to reinvent the wheel if there is something already out there.

I am a dental assistant instructor and I agree with you that these event cards can be utilized well with our dental topics. These event cards also help the student to critically think about topics that already have been taught earlier within the courses. I really like this idea and I am going to use these event cards throughout the whole six modules that I teach; so by the time the student gets to externship they will be a little be more familiar with the scenerio at hand and know what to do with that particular situation.

I like that you will use this activity to build in higher and higher thinking until the externship.

I really like the idea of event cards. There is always something for students to learn especially during down time. I believe by using this technique we can maximize students' learning.

Lisa, this does help to maximize the experience.

Michele Deck

Go Lisa.....:-) I think these are wonderful opportunities for scenarious with our dental hygiene students if they have down time and will help them remain engaged when their patient's fail to keep their appointments.

We could even use some of the Dental Decks cards that are designed for Board Review as improptu pre-made questions.

I agree. This has been a great addition to our skills lessons. The student really like it as well. For hands on classes it is essential.

Heather, yes, this helps them to develop the skills they need.

Michele Deck

I also will think of ways to adapt event cards into teaching coding and billing. Perhaps with different preauthorization scenarios.

I planning on reinstating the event cards in my MA's final review class.

Manuel, this would be a great time to use the event cards.

Michele Deck

I teach a Pharmacology course for dental hygiene students and will implement these cards in the course. I think it will be a good way to help them utilize critical thinking in regard to patients and medications they are taking.

Beverly, I'm glad you can adapt this idea to your classes and your learners. Enjoy!

Michele Deck

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