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The thing I like about seeing other instructors materials is I will find a new way to present topics that may have already been working ok, but the new way will help out to better explain certain topics. Normally when I am looking for ways to present topics I mainly focus on finding ways to present the topics that are difficult to understand or present and get a little complacent with what has been working even though there are always better ways out there.


I see a big value in instructors having the ability to share quizzes and other learning resources. One advantage of this is students in different sections of a course will be able to make sure all students are being taught the same information.

Sharing quizzes is a great way to learn from other instructors what they place emphasis on regarding materials taught in the classroom. Could be an eyeopener.

Sharing learning materials allosw instructors to circulate innovative exercises that promote the "best practices" from one's field, and expose instructors to alternate methods of delivery.

I definitely believe in sharing materials for teaching. Especially if you are a veteran teacher who has more experience in a classroom than I do. This is crucial to the success of the classroom and my grasp on the curriculum and its standards. Also, it is nice to have a collaboration for sometimes teaching is isolating.

I like the idea of sharing learning materials because it gives another perspective of the same material that you are presenting. Your peers may come up with question that you may have missed that could up the ante in your class and the concepts you are attempting to help your students understand.

Sharing learning materials with others is very helpful, cause it helps helps you to gain different teaching techniques.


I agree completely. I find when faculty share resources the overall curriculum is structured in such a way that there is consistency between course sections and there is just the right amount of overlap in material covered in courses taken sequentially.

Wishing you continued success in the classroom.

Theresa Schmitt

I always find it useful to share materials with my coworkers or other instructors. I keep all of my resources readily available to my coworkers either on my computer or by physically presenting something that students found particularly useful. And in turn, other instructors will bring me items with feedback about what stimulated useful discussion during their classes. Sometimes you come across that rare gem that really engaged students, like the jeopardy template on powerpoint. Why wouldn't you want to pass that along?

Sharing information on best practices from professionals in your industry helps in so many ways. It can help keep you current as well as introduce you to new ways of teaching the subject.

Sharing test and quizzes with other instructors are useful. They can offer other or more thought provoking questions questions that can provide some insight as to how well the students are retaining the information from your lectures.

We have a professional advisory board for our technical school. This group of professionals will take a look at our curriculum, including tests and assignments to see if what we are teaching falls in line with what is going on in the industry currently. We just got the information from the most recent review, and I'm really excited to add some more prevalent stuff to the lectures. Including technology from this course!

I often find that other instructors come up with interesting questions that I may not have considered, so I enjoy looking over a variety of materials and combining the best information into my own quiz. However, since I tend to be particular, I often borrow ideas more than direct material, and re-word questions the majority of the time.

I believe this type of sharing is another form of sharing best practices. So long as the sharing occurs within the same discipline and concepts, the sharing is warranted and productive, even though, you may not be that familiar with the instructor. However, an initial communication is certainly strongly suggested. This initial communication help establish where the parties are with respect to their thoughts on mutually sharing course materials. The focus should be contributing to the greater cause as educators, so beyond the initial introduction I do not necessarily think knowing the instructor you share material with is the focus. Of course if this takes place online (virtually) one has to ensure of the identity and profession of the other person since much foul play goes on in this arena.

I think it is important to share learning resources because you can always learn more or you might be missing something. You are never done learning and there is always room for improvement.

Sharing quizzes and learning resources with other instructors helps me to get a different point of view and insight in how other instructor conduct their classes and how successful that approach is. It is always good to get out of your comfort zone and grow in knowledge of others and their experiences.

I agree with many of the other posts. Sharing information and techniques can be great for everyone but ultimately everyone has to be their own person with their own style. Among teachers that share the classes I teach I find we very frequently share things that worked or didn't work to hone all of our skills and ultimately making the class better but I am still my own man and so are they.

I have an apprehension personally because I dont want material that I created to be used with out my permission. When you post it anywhere and or share it then it becomes uncontrolable who uses your material.
If it is not something I created but that is useful material that has been released and I found it to be helpful, I believe that sharing is invaluable.

With my Career College institution I am a firm believer o sharing my materials with my fellow instructors. The knowledge base is quantified when multiple instructors have the ability to share their information and mold it to their specific needs.

In the outside world, I am very leery of sharing my materials as I have found some instructors that will see that you have a more advanced version and if you provide it to them, they will use it in their trainings as if they developed it themselves of wrose yet, as a competition against you.

No one person has the monopoly on "best assessment" practices! I think it's a good idea to share with and see what other teachers use to help their students learn.

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