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Disarming the bomb

I'm looking for key phrases or appropriate wording to use when an emotional "bomb goes off" in the classromm/lab environment. During the lesson, de-escalation and moving toward a resolution are mentioned, and obviously tact and respect must be coupled quickly and effectively with control as a "peacemaker" but also as the role model for the class. Tempers and explosive situations aren't the norm, but what are some phrases or good word choices you recommend to diffuse such a scenario? Thank you for your feedback [ John ]

If a discussion strays off track into "dangerous waters" I tend to refocus them with phrases like "ok, let's return to the world of (topic on the board)" or  I am curious as to what tactics others use. It has not come up, but it would be fun to refocus my Large Animal class by saying "Meanwhile, back at the ranch".



I have said "WE have gotten off track here. This is a good topic for another time, but we need to focus." Also with one student hassling another, "What you are saying is not appropriate.  "we need to look at it from both perspectives, you need to see the other point of view. Stop, lower your voice, be respectful." I have said so many things, it depends on the personalities of those involved.  Once I said "Who's in charge, what are their responsibilities?" " Who's at risk and how to proceed as safe as possible"

I have had a student who enjoyed "bombing" I had to say, "My job is to teach. I am in the middle of lecture. If you have other urgent questions or concerns that don't pertain to lecture you can step out and bring it up with the program director. My job is to get through this lecture. And then proceed. (It was unfair for her to constantly disrupt the whole class needing to talk to me about all sorts of petty issues. In reality she was the problem!)

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