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How does the soft skills affect your jobs?

Will try to add some skills to my job and see if things improve.

I had to visit a Dr. that seemed to be extremely intelligient but when it came to discussing issues he was so technical and cold I never understood some important things he was trying to tell me.
At the end of the visit I sat there and thought geez this guy really can not deal with people but he is in a profession that lies solely with interacting with people.
That is one way the soft skills can be seen that it can affect your job. I will not return to this Dr. all because of the soft skills he lacked not his hard skills.

Hi Julie, I also will incorporate more soft skills into my job. I instruct an ultrasound lab and over the years I've realized that having good soft helps my lab to go a lot smoother.

not only am i going to try this at work, i am going to try adding soft skills to my life in general, and look for improvment.

I work with many people with many stresses and I feel I really use the soft skills, I also do realize that I could improve on my soft skills.

What kind of things can we do to improve soft skills, or is it enough to just recognize that we need to improve them?
Philip Campbell

The biggest thing I've found that has helped improve my soft skills is recognizing when I'm getting close to "overload" from whatever is going on and giving myself a break. Even if you can normally maintain a positive attitude and manage your stress, we all have bad days, and sometimes the best thing you can do is give yourself 10 or 15 minutes to decompress and recover before jumping right back into the fray.

Good point and thank you for sharing. We do have bad days. It is normal, and it is also something that is controllable. s you stated, it is up to you as the professional, to take a break for a few minutes and come back better.
Philip Campbell

I admit there are some things that i need to work on when it come to this area. I tend to be disappoitned and even frustrated with the excuses that my students seem to give for reason of not wanting to be responsible.

I agree. It's hard not to become frustrated with excuses. I used to feel that if students didn't learn that it was a shortcoming on my ability to teach, but now I realize that as long as I try to motivate them the best I can and teach them then I don't feel so bad.

So, you are looking to make small changes in them as opposed to major changes. Your way the changes are more likely to stick. It is like trying to get someone to start exercising. If we get them to go out and run 5 miles right away they will most likely not come back and do it again. But if we start with short walks, they are more likely to keep doing them.
Philip Campbell

Yes, Frustration is hard to controll, and hard to hide.. frustration from co-workers is sometimes harder to hide... So i can say this is one for me to work on..

Positivity and being able to turn negative situations into optimistic ones is a very important quality to possess and exhibit towards a student. It is important to show a positive attitude toward policies, changes in procedures, rules and regulations while in the workplace. Being adaptable is key because change is ever present in today's workplace.

I agree. At times I need it to be quiet and have no one bother me on Lunch and when no one thinks you need that time it becomes diffucult for me to maintain workplace behaviors and people skills. I have to walk away and give myself time to decompress.

I am learning to use my soft skills during times I feel people are being rude and disrespectful, and turn them into a positive and let it go.


Everyone needs some time to themselves. Your soft skills will help when you don't have that time to decompress.
Philip Campbell

definetly keeping positive and focused on what you want to talk to a student about..the way that you present yourself and discuss the way that an office is ran will be retained by the student.. hopefully they will implement what we have taught them by our attitude and teachings

My job as RN and Instructor is people oriented.
I look forward everyday to meet people and help
make a difference in their lives through soft

Great. Keep up the good work.
Philip Campbell

Before I took this course,I already practiced
soft skills in my job as RN/Instructor.The
therapeutic relationship helped attained
organizational goals and objectives.But I wanted
to learn more.After I finished the course about
soft skills,my knowledge and practice is enhanced.
It helped build strong teamwork,facilitates
learning process,creates a happy productive
working environment.

I am glad to hear that this course will enhance what you already know. Keep up the good work.
Philip Campbell

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