Teresa Cristobal

Teresa Cristobal

About me


Admission process helps the prospective student prepare for their success in their chosen career.

A well prepared admission checklist and questionnaire provides insights for both the student 

and the admission staff. An appropriate and helpful interventions will be implemented based

on the results of the data gathering during the admission process will greatly enhance success. 


Discussion Comment

Establishing rapport with students starts on day one of the class by giving recognition to each student with a brief introduction and a positive environment for learning. The teacher should conduct herself professionally, exude with command and respect, be kind but firm in establishing the rules and policies and expectations. The course syllabus and objectives are explained followed by the course overview... it is important to start good communication with a dash of healthy humor to relieve anxiety. The teacher should be a keen observer to identify the unique learning needs of each student.

Discussion Comment

integrating scientific concepts and principles into clinical practice  helped the students understand  and attain the goals and objectives..

it is important to identify the learning needs of the students and the Instructor will have to be resourceful and creative to bring about the desired outcome...students' learning and satisfaction.

Instructors should have genuine interest to continuously motivate and guide adult learners to succeed in their

career goals so that they can be productive citizen and thus contribute to national economy.


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