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class room management

I feel that class room management starts when an instructor first meets his class. Making clear the expectations, usually sets a tone for the entire term and for the whole class. We will always have those that might not cooperate and that is when we need to use our diplomacy skills.

Gena, well stated. Take charge from day one but lead by example and with compassion. Rules need to be enforced but there will always be situations that require individualized attention. Such is the world of career college and student centric institutions.

James Jackson

I agree with Gena. First impression is everything. It is best to take command of the class at the begining and set the standard.

I agree wholeheartedly with Gena on setting a repoire from day one. The expectations for the class are set, you introduce the type of teacher you will be and the expectations are clear. The rest of the them can be well managed from day one.

I agree the instructor must be clear about classroom management so the students know what is expected of them. It is the instructor responsibility to provide accurate information about school policies and procedures. The students have to become aware early on that the school’s emphasis is the importance of learning and that conditions that have a negative effect on learning are not tolerated. It has to be a school mind set, all employees have to work together to support the goal of student development.

I strongly agree with Gena. Classroom management begins as soon as the instructor meets his class. Classroom management is multi-faceted. Starting from developing caring, supportive relationships with and among students to using appropriate interventions to assist students who have behavior problems.

I also feel that you are setting the tone from the first time you meet the students. I do an introduction when I first meet the students telling them about me and letting them know what I expect and then I ask them to tell me about them and let me know what they expect from me.

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