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First you must bulid respect with students and you will gain the same.

In my classroom it is all about mutual respect. I call students by Mr. and Ms. and I expect the same in return. I answer them with Sir and ma'am. You will be surprised that when you show respect how quickly you will get respect.

This is also a professionalism point that I cover in class. By doing so in my class room it shows the expectations and proper respect required to be a professional in their career.

Hi Walter,
I like how you expect respect and in turn you give respect.

Patricia Scales

Hi Kelly,
I agree! In order to gain respect, you must give respect.

Patricia Scales

The first day of class I go over classroom rules and what my expectations are. One of the issues I address is respect. If they respect me then I will respect them. They need to act like professionals.

The subject "Respect" is one of the first conversations I have w/my students. I reassure them that as long as they are giving respect they will in turn recieve it. I discuss the fact that not everyone will like eachother in the classroom and I do realize that but regardless everyone will be treated with respect and treat eachother the way they would like to be treated. This type of behavior is directly related to our career field so if they cant do it in class they may not be able to in the workforce. By the end of our first meet and greet they feel confident that they will recieve the respect they are looking for ,resulting in respect given all the way around.

I do the same thing. I also establish on the first day that I have a job to do and so do they. If they do not show up or are constantly late they are not doing their job and if they miss enough time then my job becomes harder as I ask them to come back and retake the class next phase. Doing this in the beginning shows that I have to be the strict teacher only if they do not do their job. Then as I learn their names and interact with them in the classroom they gain more respect for me as I do my job.

Hi Jodie,
I like the idea of this talk! You set the precedence on Day 1. When respect is given, respect is returned.

Patricia Scales

Hi Guy,
I can tell you practice what you preach! Continue to lead by example.

Patricia Scales

I agree with you. The first day of class I go over my "House Rules" and have them sign the rules and turn them in for 5 points.

Hi Lynn,
Signing grabs their attention to let them know that this is a very serious matter.

Patricia Scales

Hi Patricia,

Growing up I only ever heard "Respect is *earned*" but in the military, I heard/learned "Respect is *given*." And I share this distinction with my classes on Day 1.

Under the "earned" method, respect can be withheld in a sort of watch/wait attitude - as in, I'll watch you and if you earn it, I will show respect.

However, in the second method, the responsibility is to *give* respect first/always.

(I add to the budding professionals before me that the difference between mature adult and immature child can often be quickly identified in the workplace right here on this single point.)

I conclude by saying that ' adult learners - back in school, usually juggling family responsibilities and work endeavors and more than one college class - they already have my respect. Freely given.'

i agree with you kelly. in order to be respected you need to respect the students as well. I know that I have the ultimate admiration for all my teachers that taught me what I know now. Now i am a lab assistant and the students are saying thank you tracy for helping us out and for helping us to overcome our fears. that makes me feel awesome. That i am making a difference in someones life.

Hi Tracy,
Respect is certainly a two way street. You have to give it in order to receive it.

Patricia Scales

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