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Common Instructor Mistakes

I am human, I know I will make mistakes in class. I have been teaching for 5 years now and still check to make sure my fly is zipped before entering the classroom. That would be the worst!
Humor is the answer, everytime. It is important to teach the students to laugh at themselves as well. I am the perfect example.
If I miscount handout copies, I blame my secretary by rolling my eyes and saying sarcastically, "my secretary can't count"! My students know I don't have a secretary.
I feel redeemed in their eyes if I can crack them up. They also forget your mistake.

Ha! That is hilarious -- a secretary! I'm going to use that. But humor is really the way to go. I always make it a point to get my students to laugh at least once during class. I often begin class with a joke to get them in a good mood and help them relax before we get down to the serious matter at hand. I think this teaches them that we can have fun while we learn: it does not have to be all torture.

Yes! I feel that getting them to laugh distracts them from your mistakes also. In culinary, working in the industry, you have to have a sense of humor to endure the monotony of the repetitive work. I try to instill that humor here at school so they carry it with them.

Hi Matthew,
Laughter is good for everyone! Life doesn't have to be where you are always so up tight about everything. Laughter helps us to re-energize.

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