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Create an Instructor Image

When beginning to teach, it is vitaly important to develop an image as the instructor. At first, I believe, it can be as simple as respectful. Fairness may take several classes to define. Also, I believe the image should be tweaked occasionally, nothing major, just small minor adjustments because class dynamics change by virtue of us aging and the students getting younger! The core image, respect, fairness, etc. should not change.


I agree developing your own image is vital to your teaching style. I know when I started I changed several things as I found what works and what does not. Also as stated avoid being a freind be fair and respectful and they will respect you.

It is easy to forget that the world does not view us as we view ourselves. I agree that it is important to stop every now and then and takr a realistic look at how we are coming across. How do I look, sound, is my language proper -am I speaking to 20 year olds as if they are 50ish - am I able at all to connect with someone directly out of high school?
How do we accomplish this task? Video works well - tape recording (though who actually uses tape anymore???) an occasional class and critiquing the playback pays big dividends.

I agree, you need to be establish your experience and credentials in a non threatening matter. Students need to feel they can learn from you and that they have experiences you may also learn from

I have the opposite problem. I am 28 and have 4 collegiate degrees with 10 years relevant experience. I'm an oddity. I walk into class rooms and 1/2 the class is younger than me and the other 1/2 is older. The older ones could be my parents and the younger are "babies" just out of high school! I have chosen to take on an image of a very "academic" type - almost a cliche. I look like an Ivy League Prof and tailor my classes towards both group's interests regarless of my image. seems to be working so far.

The first day of class I introduce myself. I tell the students why I am qualified to teach the subject. I also show them a power point of my husband, my pets, and my swimming with the dolphins for my 60th birthday. This allows them to know me as a professional and as a person.

Hi Kay,
What a nice personal touch to add. I am sure you have found out things personally about your students on the first day, simply because of your PowerPoint presentation.

I do almost the same introduction for a new class. After my little meet and greet and class expectations, I give a little background and information about myself as well as my expirence and years spent in the industry. So the students feel that they can really benifit from my knowledge.

Hi Hans,
Students want to hear about your experience, knowledge, and credentials.

This is an interesting concept to have a power point sharing a bit about ones self! I always tell about my experiance both as a teacher and as a nurse. I haven't included much about my personal life - I am not sure how comfortable I am with that.

I also introduce myself, giving a chronology of where I went to school, when, and where I worked. Though I never incorporated a powerpoint, I tend to talk very graphically and animated....and by the time I am done, the room is full of smiles, and my age becomes an advantage when it comes to role modeling for many who have had little, or at best, poor role models. Age is a good thing...we don't have to try and look like, sound like and be like the young long as they know we respect them.

Hi Judith,
Great response! If you put all this great information, graphics, and animation into a PowerPoint presentation, your students will be even more motivated. I agree we should never drop to the student's level, we should make the students rise to our level.

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