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Student Cheating

Constantly changing tests can reduce cheating

Hello Peter,
I agree that changing tests can reduce cheating, I also scramble the order of questions and walk around the room during the test. I also try to be proactive and talk about cheating before I have any suspicions. I ask the class to think about the fact that cheating on tests is cheating on yourself. The knowledge presented in class and tested on is needed for success in their field and to pass their certification exam.

Peter, I agree changing the tests can reduce cheating. Lori I scramble the test question each tests as well as amongst the students during the test. Both approaches increase the time of grading the exam, but worth the time and effort.
Being in a career college, I constantly explain the disadvantage to cheating, especially since the program is a guide for taking the National examination their future success is based on learning and growing in the profession. Cheating will diminish professional growth. This is a hard subject for some to understand in a society where good grades and winning is a sign of success. Getting the students to understand true success comes from both achievements and failures are a difficult to put in the lesson plans.
I try to explain that a missed question is an opportunity to go back to learn and understand the material that was missed. Knowing what is missed and going back to learn is more important the grade on the test.

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