Making Silent Student Open Up
I usually have small classes because I am at the end of the program so this is a luxury for me but i give them my personal and professional life story and ask that they do the same I find although painfull for some this helps them open up a great deal and I personaly know each and every student which helps me to be a more evective teacher.
I agree with the why are you here statements. i have found it to be very effective, and over the quarters I have seen many stduents opening up more and more, and I think it starts on Day 1.
Hi Chris,
That is a great way to allow students to open up. I find this practice is very common in most colleges and it creates a wonderful environment because evryone has a general idea on why people are doing the things that they are. i.e. common goals.
Hi Chris,
I do the same and I teach a class at beginning of program. I find personal introductions and 'why are you here' statements beneficial. Many students find they have more in common with others than they thought. I also find they open up more in critiques when discussing each others work.
This practice may be a bit time consuming during first class meetings but I find the time spent is more than worthwhile for them and me/instructor.