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failing a student who could pass if she applied herself

Student not applying self
Not attending class or being prepared when she attends.
Her grade goal is a C

Hi Griffie,
There are people in the world that will simply settle for the bare minimum and be content with the bare minimum. All you can do is motivate and encourage.

Patricia Scales

I can honestly say that these types of students burn me to the core. When you see the greatness they can acheive it almost to me make me want to really ride them even harder...... but then you have the factor of not wanting the student to feel like they are being picked on. It is really hard to just sit back and watch a student through there self away like that.

This kind of student hurts my feelings. I try to encourage and work with this student and she still have not turned in her work which was late to begin with. I still try and work with them hoping my encouragement inspire them to do better

It is important to encourage the student to do the best possible job in class. I would correlate doing well in class to "working world" success. I would also correlate classroom success with monetary gains when the student is out in the working world. The amount of money that people can make, as a result of a good education,
definitely is a motivator. I would also tell the student that while monetary gains are very important, there are other rewards that come with "doing the best possible job" such as self respect and the feeling of accomplishment!

I have resigned myself to the fact that there are some folks that are going to do the very least they possibly can do to get by. I understand it though, because I was once one of those folks when I was younger. I think with maturity a lot of folks snap out of this (not always the case, but a good bit of the time it is true). I talked to my supervisor about it and she said that I was doing everything I could to try to motivate the students... and that unless that person is willing to accept some of the responsibility, there wasn't much else I could do. Do your best in the class, that's all you can do.


This is certainly aggravating to an instructor when a student just settles, especially those who have mega potential and can be outstanding students. All you can do is to continue to try to motivate and encourage them.

Patricia Scales

I've been in similar situations and I constantly remind my students that they have to take responsibility for their own learning. You can't be their for your parents, friends, etc. They have to want to be there...they need to have a interest in the subject matter. All we can do iscontinue to motivate and encourage them but at some point if their not trying, then you have no choice but to fail them.

Hi Corey,
You are right! It breaks you heart to have to fail a studeent, but they have done it to themselves. We have to stop feeling guilty.

Patricia Scales

It is great to read your thoughts on a failing student who could have done their part to pass. When starting out my career as a teacher, I felt really bad for the failing students but as my career has grown, I have realized that I do my part and it is up to them to do theirs.

I too have students that sometimes will settle for just average. It is discouraging because we as teachers/instructors are trying our best each day to motivate our students. We want them to be the very best they can be. If I feel a student really needs a boost and I can't get through to them, I like to invite an older veteran student to come back as a guest speaker and stress on the importance of wanting to succeed and be all that they can. I really like to focus on past students who struggled and may have been in their shoes too at one point and then something or someone motivated them to give more and try harder.

Hi Katie,
Great ways to try to kick your students in gear! Graduate guest speakers are priceless, and they can really help with a discouraged student.

Patricia Scales

I do not feel guilty for failing a student. I know it sounds bad but I really do believe that in my class I have set my students up for success, that I give them every resource available to pass the class with at least a 90% or above, so if one does fail, they had to try to fail. So if the student tries to fail and succeeds, I am not going to feel guilty. That was their choice, not mine.

Hi Araceli,
Some students simply will not do what they are to do in order to pass. When you know you have done all for your students to make it possible for them to succeed, and they fail because of not holding to their end of the bargain, then that is on them.

Patricia Scales

In my case I have a student who just can't figure what she wants in life...there is no goal for her and thus she is just going through the motions. It is hard to motivate someone who not interested in what you have to offer. I keep moving along with class..encouraging her when I can, giving her positive feedback ...and showing examples of in class that I hope will catch her attention. So far there has been a glimmer but a faint one.

Hi Ramondo,
When you have done all you can do to help the student succeed, the rest is on the student. You may get someone to talk to her who has a good rapport with her.

Patricia Scales

We cannot educate them unless they cooperate. We need to do all we can to motivate these students but in the end the responsibility is theirs.

I agree. It feels disrespectful when you know they can do better, and they just won't.

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