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Getting "Apples" from students

I get a lot of these, our class time is 3 hours long. It is culinary so students want to cook and not sit for lecture so they show up late, and try to leave early. They want to cook, but not clean up. That stuff doesn't fly.
Our attendance policy is to rigid about tardies, and if they leave before dismissal for ANY reason, they are counted absent. If you dodge clean-up, you aren't allowed to cook the next day. You spend it cleaning instead.
It works pretty well, but we still have those who buck the system.

Hi Matthew,
I like it, you have some stringent guidelines in place. You must have rules/policies, otherwise students will abuse the system even more. There are some students that simply will buck the system, regardless.

Clean up is an important part of the education. Who wants to eat at a restaurant that DOESN'T have a clean kitchen? I run the dental assisting program here and I require that the instructors have a checklist they run through for end of class procedures. The rooms/chairs are to look a certain way. The manikin heads are to be completely dry and clean, sterilization is to be clean and neat and most importantly NO ONE leaves until EVERYONE is done. This makes them work as a team whether they want to or not. It's how it works in an office (or should) so I start them DAY 1! I do the same thing...if they get lazy or complain, etc. then they get to clean or do something undesirable in lab the next day. Stick to it!

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