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Day 1 - Syallbus review

A few earlier posts discussed giving a quiz on the syllabus on day 1. Instead of quizzing students, I believe that a group activity involving the completion of a questionnaire about the syllabus is more supportive and can aid in the ice-breaking process. Even something lighthearted such as a true/false questionnaire with some ridiculous statements (eg. "T/F - All exams and papers are optional") can serve as a good tension reliever.

Hi Tom,
I really like your idea of trying to lighten the tension/fear on Day 1, yet accomplishing the same goal of ensuring the students know what is required of them.

Patricia Scales

On the flip side of that, a commonly heard comment from instructors is that students don't read. By having them take a quiz the next day on the syllabus you set the stage for letting the students know you expect them to be reading and learning material that is not directly covered in class.

Hi Kathryn,
At this level in a student's education endeavor, they should know that they have to read, but they don't. They still want to be told everything. We have to get our students to see/understand the importance of reading.

Patricia Scales

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