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Bring it on....

I love the concept of a stress free life... but it will never happen. Stressors are around us and around every corner. Learning what helps you face and deal with the known stressors in your life is the fist step in combating stress. For me the best place to start in identifying my stressors is to talk with my peers, they see what I cannot and it works like a reflective mirror. At the same time of these talks I also seem to locate solutions and coping ideas at the same time. it is helpful either way.

DJ, I understand where you are coming from. You will not likely be 100% stress free. That being said, there are ways to make your life a lot less stressful and more manageable. That's really what we are all driving toward.

Dr. Melissa Read

You are correct about stress being everywhere but you can do some things to reduce it. I try to identify 1 stress each day and think how I can reduce or eliminate it all together in my life. I am surprised at how I can reduce many of them.

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