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The road to stress free living

Taking this course has truley opened by eyes in finding ways to deal with the stressors that effect career college instructors daily wheather full-time or part-time.

I have learned that the stress i cannot eliminate or reduce, i can develop a healthy coping mechanism for it.

I do not believe if you are normal every day person that you do not have stress even if it is about your hair; I believe you can live close to stress free but never completely stress free.

To reduce stress I walk four miles a day leiterally a stroll; rain, snow, heat, outdoors if possible whenever not possible indoors; it helps however stress is part of life whether it is work or personal.

Diane, That sounds like a wonderful coping mechanism. I recently met a woman who had walked each and every day for the last two years, rain or shine. She felt good about diligently keeping up her routine. In her walks, the stress melted away.

Dr. Melissa Read

like alot of the other instructor who replied to this discussion,i do not see me ever living a stress free life. But, when I take my few hours out of the week just to sit in church, and listen and not neccesarily "DO" anything, its amazing!

Toni, Understood. It's hard to completely live stress free when you consider our roles. That being said, methods to cope and reduce stress can work wonders. Sitting in church is a perfect example and I'm glad to hear you've found that as an outlet.

Dr. Melissa Read

For me, I believe a part of my stress, can be managed by choice alone. There have been times in my life where I would not allow anything to stress me out; and then other times in my life, just any little thing can stress me out. I need to use some the healthy coping mechanisms to be able to "cope" and "live" despite the stress.

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