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Consequences of stress

Unavoidable stress can cause negative consequences . Therefore it is vital to employ coping mechanism skills.

The point made about the need for coping mechanism skills is without doubt completely appropriate when it comes to stressful situations.

Stress when not handled appropriately will/could lead to situations of job loss, violence or family dysfunction, along with many other serious scenarios.

But learning the coping skills can also add stress because one usually has to learn a new way of doing things and that also is not an easy nor effortless task. The need to master stress could also create unavoidable stress. The need to rectify and the inability to accomplish whats needed.

It's weird, because it seems that as stress is a difficult thing to manage, one's life gets easier but taking on the difficult task of managing it.

It is very important to find a way to cope with stress especially when you are working in the education field because you cannot be effective in the classroom if you are dealing with stress.

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