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Dealing with stress head on is key to a comfortable workplace and home life!!

Brandon, We really can make our workplaces and homes a better place when we deal with stress. It benefits both us as well as our families.

Dr. Melissa Read

So true, so many people let it carry over to find themselves dealing with both either at home or work which can take a toll on home or work or both!!

Brandon, Yes, home stress can creep into your work life. Likewise, the opposite is also true. Trying to deal with stress where it lives can help contain the problems you experience with it.

Dr. Melissa Read

Yes......So true!!!Being ex military and leaving my family to go off to war a few times makes it difficult,But on the other hand i've noticed that it helps my students because some of them are in the same boat and us sharing our dicussions helps the both of us in dealing with the stresses of life!

Brandon, Sounds like you have been some tough situations. To your point, difficult times in life can make you more relateable to others who have experienced / or who are experiencing similar challenges. At a guess, your students really look up to you and need your perspective.

Dr. Melissa Read

A simplfied definition of stress:
We all have a bucket of stress in long as we keep control the level of stress we're fine, but if we get too much and the bucket overflows some part of the body will break,

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