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I let myself get stressed out because I have a hard time putting things off. I try to take on too much at one time. I hold a position as both instructor and administrative assistant and I have a hard time balancing both roles sometimes. It is true...stress can lead to illness. I've been there myself this year. I have found that making lists works, and prioritizing tasks is a MUST. You must also let the people around you know about the priority of their requests. If you have too much on your plate, you have to let people know.

We know that stress is one of the leading cause of illnesses and diseases. I can understand how you may become over whelmed managing two jobs, but I find that if you make a "todo" list and follow it, your day will become less hected. At one time in my career I've had to wear three hats my list and delagation saved me.

Maryalice, So true. A to do list can really help you feel like you have everything under control. It's nice to be able to have things down on paper - comforting.

Dr. Melissa Read

I do the same thing. A big source of stress for me has been that everyone is constantly demanding my time. I've started to prioritize my time with others based on how they value my time. Those that don't value my time become less of a priority because they are more likely to waste it.

Scott, That is an interesting prioritization system. I imagine it works in some situations. The challenge is that sometimes we have high priority tasks coming in through people who don't value our time. We've got to complete these tasks because they are important - regardless of who assigned them.

Dr. Melissa Read

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