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Stress me out

I find what stress me out is that I dont have enough time to get my on line stuff done. Once I finsh one item someone needes smoething right know. These people need to know that we need a little time to respond, to what they request. Like for example we finsh one paper and they e-mail us & say we need to do this paper by the end of the week. Sonetimes it is tuff, when you also have to teach.

Robert, It sounds like the stress you are experiencing relates to the fact that our task lists are never complete. We are constantly updating our lists with new tasks as we cross off the old ones. This can feel frustrating. I recommend setting reasonable goals for what you hope to accomplish each day - with the understanding that new tasks will always emerge.

It can be stressful balancing/juggling clerical, administrative, corporate bureaucracy and teaching all in the 8 hour work day. Especially when every day, it seems like another urgent high priority item is added to the mix.

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