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When to Grade Papers

As a writing instructor, I try to grade student papers within a week of submission but I am starting to find it hard to satisfy my own expectations. Any pointers?

Try to give yourself a set number of papers to grade depending on how many students you have that won't be over barring on you. If you can do 6 papers a day that could take some stress off you.

Anthony, Grading writing assignments can be time consuming. To do a nice job, you may need longer than a week. This is one of those rare situations when it may actually be healthier to reset your expectations, as well as the expectations of your class.

Dr. Melissa Read

It depends on how long each one takes to grade, and if these grades are needed to give students an understanding of where they are at in the coarse.

I like to grade my papers and respond to my students' work as soon as possible. This is a generation of instant gratification so sometimes it is hard to keep up. Try to keep a steady pace and give each paper equal time.

I agree. I try to grade my students' assignments as soon as possible as well. I feel like if a student has done well on a particular assignment, that success will propel them to do well on their next assignment, exam, etc.

Use scantron and try to group quizzes on a bi weekly time frame, then at the first oppurtunity grade them and don't prograstinate

I agree to the fact that is hard to grading in one week. Also there is late work.
How can we do with late assignments?

I have to grade them right away because of the time limit of the coarse. So there are no delay.

Grading is definitely time consuming. If scan trons were a religion I would definitely be a member. When it comes to grading papers I agree with grading them in chunks instead of all at once. I think if you give yourself a reasonable amount of time and inform the students of that time frame then it shouldn't be an issue. Avoid telling them they'll have it back in a time frame you know you can't meet.

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