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Hi Dr. Read,

I was once a procrastinator during my younger years. What a relief when I started to learn prioritizing my tasks. I eventually learned to organize my priorities and able to plan ahead of time. I realized things got better and I was less stressed. It made me more efficient in completing a task or tasks in a short amount of time. I carried this on to this day. Moreover, I also learned to anticipate possible tasks and "insert" this in my "to do list" or put the word "NOTE" at the bottom of my list as a reminder that the anticipated task/s may come up in the near future. This helps me organize my frame of mind, thus avoiding being "surprised" when this/these task/s come/s about. This helped me a lot in my personal life and at work. However, I am not sure whether this "anticipation" of tasks may be only appropriate to those people who are in the same workplace for a period of time and long enough to know the "ins and outs" of the company and people they are working with. However, it serves me well.

Ferdinand, Thanks for your careful analysis of your past and present time management approach. Really love hearing about the way you have improved and the techniques you used that worked. When teaching others about what works for you, I recommend walking people through this history. It will give students perspective and help them find a way to bridge where they are now and where they want to be.

Dr. Melissa Read

I have found and experienced many times over that just writing tasks on to do lists, helps me remember things even without looking at the list. I think, it gives organization not just on papers but also in the thought process. Regarding additional notes or space for the unexpected, its a good idea. When I put my to do list on the daily calendar, I do not pack up my day by hopurs. I keep some space in between for those 'add ons"

I am more of a person who gets things done asap.I havbe found it does make me make mistakes so now I do make a to do list and it helps

Susan, Yes, completing tasks too quickly can create challenges. We are error prone and occasionally have to do rework. I know it's tough, but go ahead and try to slow down. Study your productivity to determine if you are ultimately able to get more done - faster - this way.

Dr. Melissa Read

you never want to proscrintinate as you will never complete a task on time

Esther, So true. It's a great idea to be proactive and get tasks complete. Otherwise, your queue can really get backed up.

Dr. Melissa Read

I find as a wife, parent of 3 girls and 2 jobs that my daily life seems to set the mode for procrastination...the task seems so large that I tend to want to avoid everything. I constantly have to prioritize my life and career to keep a perfect balance. Lots of calling on the Lord for directing my footsteps goes on in my personal life. To Do List are a must for most everything since I really have a problem with procrastination. That is why I have chosen this course...really a refresher.

I think a to do list is of great importance because if you get tasks done immediately after you receive them instead of prioritizing in order of importance you might miss something

Lisa, So true. With a to do list, we have a better sense of what's pressing and needs to be accomplished right away. We're better at addressing urgent and high priority tasks with lists for this reason.

Dr. Melissa Read

After seeing first hand how procrastinating was affecting my work and even home life, i looked back at an old motto i learned a long time ago. "Dont leave for tommorow what can get done today". i found when i started a to do list and organizing what needed to be done, it leaves me with some extra time to myself even if just a couple hours.

Procrastination is actually a pet peeve of mine. I cannot stand when people wait and wait to do something. I know it is just me being OCD but to me, you more likely to make a mistake just simply due to forgetting what the instructions are by waiting!

I find that I procrastinate when I am tired, or when it is a task I really don't want to do. If I am tired I allow the procrastination and do it the next day. If it someting I don't want to do, I just push my self to do it and get it over after much talking to myself.

I think the to do list is a great help. I work 2 jobs and hardly home. I keep saying i need to this but find myself putting it off al the time I just started doing a to do list and making myself stick to it. it has helped alot.

Kim, That's great to hear. It's ok to start small with your to do list, and just capture a few high level tasks. You can build on it over time, especially if you are really busy.

Dr. Melissa Read

I totally agree with you Michael, putting off things until "tomorrow" is not so good, especially when something needs to get done! I notice when I am stressed out or just tired, that's when my delaying doing work that I need to have done really kicks in! You know that, "I'll get it done first thing tomorrow", but that day seems to pass by and then more stress occurs, since other priorities appear.

I have started To Do Lists, but sometimes forget to go back to it and find myself kind of organizing as things come up, which is bad because then I get behind...recycling my bad habits.

But after doing this module, I KNOW I need to break my bad habits and organize myself better, so that I can stop feeling the stress of not getting my work accomplished and get that extra time to myself without stress or guilt!

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