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What about investment to improve time management?

While prioritizing is essential with time management, it still takes a personal investment and interest to truly succeed with whatever the task is at hand.

I must say, I am a masterful list maker; lists keep me sane and on track. I know how to prioritize and what goals are urgent; however, unless I truly believe in what I need to accomplish, even though it may be important and pressing, I do not come away with a sense of pride or satisfaction.

It is for this reason that I am able to make lists and prioritize, accomplish the tasks, yet still find myself stressed and unfilled. At times, this can also lead me to procrastination.

Can anyone else relate?

I can definitely relate Adam. It is hard to find the motivation needed to complete tasks if we don't truly believe in what we need to accomplish. Having a sense of pride in our work is often what drives us to keep moving forward. So sometimes it takes more than a to do list to keep on task.

I can relate, but I also make a point to check off things on my list as I accomplish them. This is somewhat reqarding to see an actual list of things I have completed for the week.

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