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how many week vaction should instructor get

Hi Ronald,
The amount of vacation for an instructor depends on the policy of the school. There is no universal guide for this.

i think he or she should get 3 or 4 weeks

Vacation is important for both the studens as well as instructor. It refreshes them give new
energy to learn and keep them active.

I agree. This is true. If not too long, a break and allow both the student and the instructor time to refresh and recharge themselves. How long do you think the break should be for?

Vacation is so important. Many of us are so involved in the campus life, we forget to take care of ourselves. We all earn vacation and we should use it to recharge our batteries. The students get a better instructor from the deal

Everyone needs a break to rest and come back with renewed energy and new ideas in achieving your goals. I think there should be periodic vacations throughout the course of an academic calendar, not just once for 3 or 4 weeks.

Vacation works both for the students and instructors. Everyone needs time to clear the mind.

Hi William,
I agree with you. We all need to step away and refresh out minds and bodies. I am a big fan of vacations and feel that everyone should take advantage of time away from teaching no matter how much we love it.

Just in any other profession general health days are needed. Although it is hard at times to find subs or replacement assignments, they are necessary for the sanity of the instructor and students.

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