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Keeping students interested

How would you bring a student back to the conversation if you notice them looking bored and not focusing?

Hi Patricia,
One way is to pause in the discussion. A 3 to 5 second pause will have the student refocus on the class because they will be looking for the reason for the silence.
Another way is to ask a question of the student. They will direct their attention on you once they hear their names mentioned.
Another method is to do an activity if you notice there are several students looking the same way.

To bring back a student into conversation is not always easy. I try to find a interset of the student and try to find a way to use that to have him to rejoin in the class disscusion. If that does not work I try to ask a question that he would have a answer for to help him .

Teaching is a art. Method or process is the most important key to success. There are different method we can follow.Try to understand students level of knowledge, character and mentality. Then apply strategy. I think it will work.

do a change of state.. take them out side to do the lesson. the class room is prob. boring.
take them to the lab and let them take stuff apart, then finish your lesson later on that day.. it's all about change, and keep it interesting!!

I agree that teaching is an art. I go as far as to tell my students that I am a paid performer, I have my script( the lesson plan) and I act it out for them as if it were a play. But I also explain to the that not all plays are GOOD ones.

I am very lucky in my teaching environment in that we go from lecture/demo to student production. This stimulates a variety of learning styles and teaching methods. Sometimes when there is a higher quantity of dishes(or more complex with more steps)to demo i will break it up into smaller "nuggets'. Sometimes i will let the class reach a a certain point with a time frame with which to achive it. Then i will call them back for a quickie 5-10 minute demo to show final assembly or completion of item. I find this is often much more effective than doing the whole demo start to finish as some students get lost with that much material without breaking up the material.

Hi Alyson,
I like your plan. You are really reading your students and their learning needs. By breaking up the demo you are giving the students a chance to internalize the information they have learned and the skills they have seen demonstrated. This greatly enhances retention.

They too need an opportunity to refocus. A change of scenery or a change in the environment can work wonders. Just the simple task of going outside or physical movement can do wonders to get blood pumping again.

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