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Teaching a male student of different cultures

This is a common problem in my location. many differen cultures with strong beliefs about women
as there teachers. I can use suggestions regarding how to manange some of these problems

I would stay strong and consistent and and try to appear as confident as possible. Don't let the students belief in yourself have any affect on how you view yourself

This can as you are experiencing be challenging. Without seeing the situation as it unfolds with these individuals it is difficult to provide many suggestions. One thing we did do was to have the administrator (male) come in and make some general announcements, talk about the class and then introduce the instructor (female). In the introduction he highlighted the experience, expertise and abilities of the faculty member. He turned the class over to the instructor and he went and sat down in among the students. He stayed for the duration of the class. This sent a very clear signal to the class members that he respected her, was willing to listen to her and that he supported her. He frequently sat in on the class as a student. This had a big impact on those students that did not see a female as being capable of being a teacher. It didn't change everything over night since these students had such cultural beliefs drilled into the over a lifetime but it contribute to a higher success level for all.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

the best way to manage the problem would be to make sure there isn't a question that you can't answer. don't give them the opportunity to question your ability to teach them something.

I have had this problem in women of different cultures who feel they need to be seen and not heard. I let them know that I value their input and respect their opinions as I would any male student. Sometimes learning about the culture of the student can give you an advantage on how to deal with this situation. Perhaps locating information about a famous, educated, etc, woman from the same country as the student would help.

Sue Ellen,
Thank you for raising this very important point because as the learning leader we need to be able to get each student to contribute to the course. Can be a challenge but if you know about the different cultures represented then you can use that knowledge to draw them out and let them see how much you value their input.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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